Events 2023


Dialogues Merano: La ricerca della verità e il segreto del tenente Giardina Frederico Guiglia incontra e intervista il giornalista e scrittore Giovanni Grasso

November 2023

Theme day for high school students “Die Kriege in Ex-Jugo­slawien” In collaboration with the “Marie Curie” technical college in Meran


Dialogues Merano: Gegen den Strom : die Querdenkerin. DIe SVP-Senatorin Julia Unterberger im Gesprach mit Eberhard Daum 


“PEA Conference – Pedagogy, Ecology, and the Arts.” The first edition of the annually planned international and interdisciplinary conference is themed “Polis.” In collaboration with the Centro per la Cultura in Merano.

05.- 09.06.2023

“Euregio Summer School – Human Rights in the Digital Age.” In collaboration with the Global Campus for Human Rights. (Organization and direction: Dr. Robert Simon).


“Philosophical Discussions on Autonomy 2023, ‘What Do We Owe Our Fellow Beings? Autonomy and Care from a Philosophical Perspective’ (Lecture by Dr. Robert Simon).” In collaboration with Eurac Research.


“Lecture Series ‘Human Rights’ as part of the General Studies program at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Directed by Dr. Robert Simon).”


European Wars in the Mirror of the Arts: Mario Horst Lanczik, Die Kriege in Jugoslawien, 1991–2003


European Wars in the Mirror of the Arts: Hans Heiss, Der Erste Weltkrieg, 1914–1918
