Proactive public services in the Euregio. Eutrail kick-off meeting
13 December 2024 | 09.00–18.00 | Room F6 (University Club)
– Free University of Bozen-Bolzano –
Idea & Program
Proactive public services are part of a transformation process towards a modern digital public administration. The core idea is that public services can be automatically offered to citizens or organizations without them having to submit a formal request. This comes with significant challenges, as on the one hand, needs must be accurately anticipated, while on the other, individual entitlements and requirements must be taken into account.
The main focus of the conference, the project respectively, is on the current development of proactive public services in the Euregio. Therefore, there will be presentations from all three parts of the Euregio. Additionally, best practice examples from Estonia will be presented, a country that plays a pioneering role in the implementation of digital governance in Europe.
At the same time, the conference serves as a kick-off meeting for the Euregio Trustworthy AI Lab (EUTRAIL). This is a network of researchers from the Euregio with diverse professional competencies and perspectives, whose common goal is to understand and analyze the various specialized aspects and conditions of Trustworthy AI, and to promote and support its development within the Euregio.
09.00 Greetings: Prof. Alex Weissensteiner, Rector Free University Bozen-Bolzano | Stephan Gasslitter, General Director South Tyrol Informatics (SIAG)
09.15 Introduction: Trustworthy digital technologies in the Euregio – Robert Simon (Euphur, Free University Bozen-Bolzano)
Morning session
09.30 The evolution of public services: on the way to proactive public services – Hendrik Lume (Nortal AG, Estonia)
*** Coffee break – various little snacks ***
10.30 AIxPA: How the Autonomous Province of Trento intends to introduce AI into public administration – Maurizio Napolitano (Foundation Bruno Kessler, Trento)
11.30 Artificial intelligence techniques for trustworthy information systems? – Prof. Marco Montali (Free University Bozen-Bolzano)
*** Lunch break – a light lunch will be served at the venue ***
Afternoon session
14.30 Development of proactive services in South Tyrol – Alessio Trazzi (South Tyrol Informatics SIAG, Bozen-Bolzano)
15.30 Artificial Intelligence for the prevention of unemployment: best practices in Estonia – Daniela Riegler (Nortal AG, Austria)
16.30 Increasing Trusthworthiness of AI Systems through Optimizing Human-Machine-Interaction – Prof. Matthias Kettemann (University Innsbruck)